Case Study: Frankly Fresh Salsas

Frankly Fresh was exploring the options of creating several fresh and unique salsas. All they really supplied us with was the list of fresh ingredients used to make each salsa. It was up to BrandWell to create the rest. The client wanted “something unique, something that would stand out”.
After one look at our environment, we decided where others took a traditional route with printing labels on plastic, we were going to cater to a more gourmet look. We wanted the product to feel special, because it truly was. The ingredients were all natural, no preservatives or junk added. By placing the salsas in a paper sleeve and giving each product an exclusive name, we were enhancing the overall presentation of the product, and elevating its uniqueness.
With the graphic presentation on the front of each package, we created a series of packaging reminiscent of vintage fruit crate labels. The correct vegetables were chosen to enhance the use fresh, ripe ingredients, the thing consumers look for in a great tasting product. Each label left mouths watering more than the next.
- Unique family look
- Enhanced “fresh” idea
- Product was easily viewable
- Ease of product distinguishability
- Homemade feel