New Look for

Here was a nice little write up in the Alumni Magazine for Saint Ignatius High School Prep for our newly designed website,
“SI launched a new look to its website in August thanks to a West Coast grad and an East Coast company.
The site’s new look is the creation of Marwan Salfiti ’93, a web designer formerly with Monster Cable, and the founder and design director for Brandwell Creative.
Salfiti was part of an advisory committee that met two years ago to evaluate the look and user feel of SI’s former website. The group urged SI to redesign its site, and Salfiti was hired for the job.
Students, parents, faculty and eighth graders weighed in on an earlier design, and Salfiti incorporated a variety of suggestions to come up with the final website, one that uses the school’s colors and a collage of several of the school’s six campuses.
“I wanted to build on the rich history and heritage of SI and its longstanding reputation as a preeminent city school,” said Salfiti. “The design tells the story of SI then and now, with photos that are visally exciting for everyone.”
Salfiti hopes that when alumni, parents and students visit the website, they feel as if they are actually inside the school. The website and the institution should match. My company specializes in creating this kind of experience.”
With Salfiti’s design in hand, SI then turned to Finalsite, based in Connecticut, which sells its content management system to schools around the world. Thanks to Finalsite, students, faculty, parents, alumni and board members each have their own portal – a page where they can find news, information and resources just for them.